Plastic Omnium - 2019 Universal Registration Document

INTEGRATED REPORT SHARED PERSPECTIVES Shaping the outline of the future Plastic Omnium &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2IëFHU /DXUHQW )DYUH DQG 0DQDJLQJ 'LUHFWRU )©OLFLH %XUHOOH DUH QRZ DW WKH KHDG RI *URXS RSHUDWLRQV 7KH\ IRUP D WDQGHP WKDW FRPELQHV WKH VNLOOV RI DQ DXWRPRWLYH LQGXVWU\ HQJLQHHULQJ H[SHUW DQG WKH 3ODVWLF 2PQLXP VWUDWHJ\ PDQDJHU IRU WKH SDVW ëYH \HDUV 7KH\ GHOLYHU WKHLU YLVLRQ RI WKH *URXS LQ DUHDV UDQJLQJ IURP FRUSRUDWH VRFLDO UHVSRQVLELOLW\ WR LQQRYDWLRQ "ACT FOR ALL TM is an integral part of the Group’s strate- gy, providing direction and cohesiveness. That’s why we will apply it across the board throughout the Group. " Felicie Burelle PlasticOmniumhas always been committed to safety. Based on that history, what priority do you give to the ACTFORALL TM corporatesocial responsibilityprogram? Félicie Burelle: Due to its size and the nature of its business activities, Plastic Omnium is uncompromising when it comes to safety. Our policy is Zero Tolerance. The attention to safety is now extended to encompass issues such as job satisfaction for our employees on both a global and a local basis, as well as our ways of conducting business, and the production processes in our factories. ACT FOR ALL TM is an integral part of the Group’s strategy, providing direction and cohesiveness. That’s why we will apply it across the board throughout the Group. Laurent Favre: Our ACT FOR ALL TM CSR program is not an option but an obligation if we are to continue to conduct QWT DWUKPGUU CPF TGOCKP C NGCFGT 6GEJPKECN CPF ƁPCPEKCN performance is no longer enough. We must also demonstrate environmental, social and ethical performance. ACT FOR ALL TM covers such strategic subjects as the carbon footprint of our businesses, and the diversity, gender balance and wellbeing of our employees. This program involves all of us to give us the competitive edge that will make all the difference. FÉLICIE BURELLE DIRECTOR AND MANAGING DIRECTOR XXX QMBTUJDPNOJVN DPN 1-"45*$ 0./*6. 6/*7&34"- 3&(*453"5*0/ %0$6.&/5