Plastic Omnium - 2018 Registration Document

3 STATEMENT OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE CSR integrated in the business lines PLASTIC OMNIUM 2018 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 111 2016 2017 2018 Number of women at December 31 Proportion of women in the Group 5020 22.9% 4,981 23.6% 5,028 24.4% Number of women Managers & Engineers at December 31 Proportion of women at executive level 946 20.8% 986 20.9% 1,022 21.4% Number of women in management positions at December 31 Proportion of women in management positions 39 11.1% 39 11.5% 37 12.1% Number of women Managers & Engineers hired during the year Proportion of women executives hired 157 24.8% 185 24.8% 195 23.9% In France, Plastic Omnium also wanted to focus on employees with disabilities. An analysis in 2017 led to the formation of a permanent “Mission Handicap” which reports to management. The network of Division and site point people (HR or HSE) is completed by the HSE and health teams (nurses and, as of this year, social assistants), employee representative bodies and managers. In 2018, Mission Handicap and its network rolled out its strategy in four main working areas. Employee education and training for key players: 17 training sessions ● took place for the Executive Committees of industrial sites, Human Resources managers, CHSCT secretaries and overhead buyers. The HR and HSE agreements were an opportunity to present the disabilities policy to HR and HSE managers, who are now in-house point people on this topic. At the end of the year, all employees received a handbook about disabilities at work to increase their awareness on this topic. Communication was improved and special events were held during European Disability Employment Week to raise awareness in a fun way: exhibition on famous people with a hidden disability, quiz, role plays, etc. Keeping employees with disabilities in work: Plastic Omnium can refer ● to the Cap Emploi-SAMETH (support service to keep workers with disabilities in employment) when a solution cannot be found internally and expert involvement is required for specific studies on the employees concerned. Recruitment and inclusion of people with disabilities: Plastic Omnium ● recruited 13 workers with disabilities (full time equivalent) in the first year of its disabilities policy, across all contract types. A partnership has been forged with the ARPEJEH to help pupils and students with disabilities make career plans, helping them to boost their employability. Strengthened collaboration with the protected and adapted sector: ● buyers are encouraged to use ESAT-type suppliers. Some buyers were able to go and meet service providers at the Handicap Emploi et Achats responsables (Disability employment and sustainable purchasing) fair. Plastic Omnium already uses ESAT suppliers for a range of goods and services, such as the packaging of automotive parts, manufacture of braided fabrics for compression molding, maintenance of green spaces, catering and food services, etc. 2016 2017 2018 Number of disabled workers 439 390 353 Workstations adapted for disabled workers 25 17 39 Number of disabled workers recruited in the year 24 27 39