Plastic Omnium - 2018 Registration Document

3 STATEMENT OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Cross-reference table PLASTIC OMNIUM 2018 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 120 CROSS-REFERENCE TABLE 3.4 To pics High-risk issues Chapters Pages Major contribution to the SDGs Principles of the United Nations Global Compact GRI indicators Solutions for clean, connected mobility Product safety and quality Road and automotive safety Product safety and quality 91 3 Good Health and Well-Being GRI 416-1 Clean propulsion systems Clean propulsion systems 92 7 Affordable and Clean Energy 12 Responsible Consumption and Production 13 – Climate Action 8. To take initiatives that will promote greater environmental responsibility 9. Promoting the development and dissemination of environmentally-friendly technologies. GRI 305-5 Measures to reduce the weight of vehicles Measures to reduce the weight of vehicles 93 12 Responsible Consumption and Production 13 – Climate Action 8. To take initiatives that will promote greater environmental responsibility 9. Promoting the development and dissemination of environmentally-friendly technologies. GRI 305-5 Responsible entrepreneurs Competitiveness A company driven by its long-term competitiveness Competitiveness 91 95 8 Decent work and economic growth  Business ethics Business ethics 95 8 Decent work and economic growth 10 Acting against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery GRI 102-16 GRI 102-17 GRI 205-1 GRI 205-2 GRI 205-3 Duty of vigilance and responsible purchasing Duty of vigilance and responsible purchasing 97 8 Decent work and economic growth Principles 1 to 9 GRI 102-16 GRI 102-17 GRI 308-1 GRI 308-2 GRI 406-1 GRI 407-1 GRI 408-1 GRI 409-1 GRI 412-1 GRI 412-2 GRI 414-1 GRI 414-2 Data protection Data protection 100