Plastic Omnium - 2018 Registration Document

8 OTHER INFORMATION General information about the Company PLASTIC OMNIUM 2018 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 290 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY 8.1 GENERAL INFORMATION COMPANY NAME AND REGISTERED OFFICE The full company name is Compagnie Plastic Omnium. Its registered office is located at 19, boulevard Jules-Carteret, 69007 Lyon, France, and its administrative headquarters is at 1, allée Pierre-Burelle, 92300 Levallois-Perret, France. REGISTRATION PARTICULARS - WORLDWIDE DIRECTORY OF LEIS The Company is registered in the Lyon Trade and Companies Registry under number 955 512 611 and registered in the worldwide directory of LEIs (Legal Entity Identifier) under code 9695001VLC2KYXXODW73. LEGAL FORM AND GOVERNING LAW Compagnie Plastic Omnium, created in April 1946, is a public limited company under French law (société anonyme) with a Board of Directors. It is governed by the French Commercial Code. TERM The Company’s term will run until April 24, 2112. FISCAL YEAR The Company’s accounting period runs for twelve months, from January 1 to December 31. CORPORATE PURPOSE (ARTICLE 3 OF THE BYLAWS) “The Company’s corporate purpose is to: process all forms of plastic, metal and other raw materials in order to ● manufacture all types of products and articles for all uses, particularly industrial; manage its property and capital assets; ● acquire, build, lease, develop, improve and exploit any land or ● buildings; acquire any equity or other interest in any company, enterprise or ● other entity, in France or abroad, irrespective of its corporate purpose in whatsoever form and in particular by acquiring or subscribing for any form of security, equity interest or other right in such entities; manage its investment portfolio of equity interests and securities; ● carry out all works and services relating to general administration ● and building maintenance (other than acting as a building manager); and in general, make any transaction (commercial, industrial, ● financial or related to property and capital assets) that is linked, directly or indirectly, to the Company’s purpose; or that could be relevant to it; or that could make the purpose easier to achieve. The Company may, both in France and abroad, create, acquire, use or grant licenses to use all trademarks, brands, commercial names, designs, models, patents and manufacturing processes related to the above purpose. It may act directly or indirectly, on its own behalf or for a third party, in any country. It may do so either alone or with any other persons or companies in a partnership, joint venture, consortium or company, and may make any transaction within the scope of its corporate purpose.”