Plastic Omnium - 2018 Registration Document

3 STATEMENT OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE CSR at the heart of our strategy PLASTIC OMNIUM 2018 REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 82 To create its products and perform its services, Plastic Omnium integrates the entire chain from Research and Development to finished product sales. Sales Assembly Manufacturing Product development Transformation Purchases of materials Purchases components Design of manufacturing and assembly processes Developing technologies R&D The Group’s added value is also based on the proximity of its plants to those of its customers enabling it to provide just-in-time deliveries: the Group has 124 plants across 26 countries in Europe/Africa, Asia, North America and South America. BREAKDOWN OF WORKFORCE BY REGION 1.0% Africa 17.2% Asia (including China) 2.3% South America 26.1% North America 53.4% Europe Customized, high value-added, multi-material solutions that integrate both functionality and safety performance and reduce carbon emissions, make Plastic Omnium a leading player in its markets. With one out of every six vehicles in the world equipped with an exterior system and 22 million fuel systems in 2018, Plastic Omnium is the leader in its two sectors, with market shares of 16% and 22% respectively. The main growth areas are, firstly, for Clean Energy Systems, the replacement of metal fuel tanks which still represent 19% of the market and, secondly, for Intelligent Exterior Systems, lower value-added bumpers intelligently integrating a growing number of functions. Plastic Omnium Modules, created following the acquisition of a controlling stake in HBPO, positions the Group as world leader in the market for front-end module development, assembly and logistics with a 17% market share. For further information on Plastic Omnium’s businesses, markets and solutions, see chapter 1.5 Businesses and strategy in this registration document.