Plastic Omnium - 2020 Universal Registration Document

STATEMENT OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Methodology PLASTIC OMNIUM UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2020 174 $ ) 4.7 This statement of non-financial performance sets out the Plastic Omnium Group approach to corporate, social and environmental responsibility, and the non-financial information to meet the requirements of Articles L. 22-10-36 and R. 225-105-1 to R. 225-105-3 of the French Commercial Code. The last section contains a cross-reference table with the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact of which Plastic Omnium has been a signatory since 2003, and with the indicators of the international benchmark, the GRI Standards. Compagnie Plastic Omnium SE, which is listed on Euronext Paris, is a company with industrial operations and plants. The sustainability indicators are collected separately by the HSE and sustainability Department and by the Human Resources Department at each site in the reporting scope, and are checked for consistency during the consolidation process. The Plastic Omnium Group’s corporate, social and environmental reporting approach is based on: the regulatory provisions related to Articles R. 225-105-1 to ● R. 225-105-3 of the French Commercial Code; the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact; ● the ACT FOR ALL TM program; ● the HSE policy integrated into the Company’s strategy and ● management. The information, which must be published in accordance with law no. 2017-399 dated March 27, 2017 relating to due diligence by parent companies and subcontracting companies, is presented in this statement on non-financial performance. The topics required under Article R. 225-105-1 of the French Commercial Code – preventing food waste, ensuring food security, ensuring animal welfare and responsible, fair and sustainable nutrition, were not deemed to be relevant for the Plastic Omnium Group. This is because the Company’s activities are not linked to the production, marketing or distribution of food products. Sites that propose food services (canteens) to its employees contract out this service to a specialized service provider in charge of ensuring compliance with applicable laws. The Group’s Conditions of Supply require compliance with applicable laws, which enables Plastic Omnium to ensure that its service providers comply with these regulations. These issues are therefore not included in this chapter. SCOPE OF THE REPORT 4.7.1 The reporting scope aims to represent all the businesses of Compagnie Plastic Omnium SE. For 2020, the corporate, social and environmental reporting covers all of the IFRS 2020 revenue of Compagnie Plastic Omnium SE. The water and energy consumption of the Supply in Line Sequence (SILS) managed by Intelligent Exterior Systems and Clean Energy Systems is also included, as are the resulting CO 2 emissions. The Group has 11 facilities classified for the protection of the environment (ICPE) pending authorization and one facility pending registration. These ICPEs are included in the Group’s HSE scope. 1.1 Employees by type of contract and temporary employees at December 31, 2020 include all the legal entities in the management accounts’ consolidation scope. 1.2 Likewise, registered employees are broken down by gender, by operators/employees/managers, as well as by age group, and temporary employees are included in all of the legal entities in the scope of consolidation. 1.3 R&D indicators (number of sites, number of R&D employees) are calculated on the basis of the Group’s scope (IFRS and Joint Venture). Changes in consolidation scope: For social reporting, indicators are reported as of the establishment or consolidation of the site. The new sites in 2020 were IES Slovakia, HBPO Saarland, HBPO Shunyi, HBPO Shanghai and HBPO Suzhou. Concerning the HSE scope, the procedures for incorporating newly created or acquired entities and excluding entities closed or sold during the year remain unchanged. The following are the new sites incorporated into the sustainability reporting in 2020: CES New Energies. Zonhoven, CES New Energies Fribourg, CES Omegatech, CES Kuala Lumpur, HBPO Shunyi & HBPO Suzhou. The sites removed from the consolidation scope are as follows: IES Arevalo Composites & IES Poznan. INDICATOR CALCULATION 4.7.2 METHODS Indicators were approved on December 31, 2020, except for the following indicators: 2.1 the indicators approved on November 30, 2020 and extrapolated to December 31, based on the ratio of employees at December/employees at November: gender breakdown, breakdown by operators/employees, employees working in shifts or part-time, number of disabled people; 2.2 the indicators approved on November 30, 2020 and prorated to December 31, based on the ratio of 12/11: internal and external training hours, invoices from training organizations, number of interns, number of employees trained since January 1, 2020, all environmental data (except for the number of ISO 14001- and ISO 50001-certified sites, approved on December 31); 2.3 the indicators approved on November 30, 2020 and considered as valid for the entire year: hours worked per week, percentage of employees covered by a collective agreement, percentage of employees trained during the year, workstations adapted for employees with disabilities, economic and financial information: market share, growth forecast, investments, etc.; 2.4 the indicators approved on October 31, 2020 and considered as valid for the entire year: number of incidents of discrimination, number of measures taken following incidents of discrimination, Committees, other commissions, number of trade unions represented, company agreements, agreements on health and safety in the workplace. All indicators are calculated on the IFRS scope and given for two or three years to enable comparability.