Plastic Omnium - 2020 Universal Registration Document

STATEMENT OF NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Methodology PLASTIC OMNIUM UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2020 175 For the HSE part: all “quantitative” indicators are approved on November 30, then extrapolated over 12 months (water, energy, plastic, paint & solvent consumption; VOC & GHG emissions; waste, etc.). HSE indicators on energy consumption, plastics and composites, VOC emissions, CO 2 emissions, water discharges, waste, Top Safety visits, first-aid treatments, and the correlated ratios were corrected for 2018 and/or 2019 following the detection of minor errors, concerning 11 sites. Emission factors used to calculate CO 2 emissions resulting from electricity consumption are those of ADEME for France and the IEA (International Energy Agency) for all other countries; data for 2019. EXTERNAL PROCEDURES 4.7.3 AND CONTROLS A specific reporting protocol for the HSE and Human Resources Departments was developed and provides information about the collection and validation procedure as well as definitions for the indicators identified, in a single document. This protocol is sent to all contributors and validators of non-financial data. This data is collected in the Group’s non-financial reporting software. For 2020, the procedures for reporting non-financial indicators were externally audited by Mazars, an independent third-party. This involved site audits, based on a selection of corporate, social and environmental indicators, across 11 sites representative of the Plastic Omnium Group’s operations to check the quality and overall credibility of the reporting system. The sites audited in 2020 were: IES Langres, IES Arevalo, IES Valencia, IES Measham, IES Pappenheim, IES Resindorf, IES Bratislava, IES Gliwice, CES Lublin, CES Huron, and HBPO Lippstatd. The nature of the audits and the related conclusions are presented in a specific certification at the end of this chapter. The glossary of indicators may be obtained upon request from the Group Human Resources and HSE/sustainability Department.