Plastic Omnium - 2020 Universal Registration Document

CREATED VALUE CONNECTIVITY: with function integration, reduced weight and communication with the environment, the sustainable car will be safer and more connected. ZERO EMISSIONS: creating the zero-emission car through storage and emission reduction systems, and new energy sources such as hydrogen. MODULARITY: making the modular and customized car possible by absorbing our customers’ logistic complexity. MINIZING OUR ENVIRONMENTAL FOOTPRINT 32% of the electricity purchased by our plants in 2020 was green 68% of sites involved in local community support in 2020 Waste recycling and recovery: 87% 4 plants using renewable energy 32 in planning stage RESULTS THAT GUARANTEE INDEPENDENCE €648 million Ebitda €34 million free cash flow €0.49 Dividend* * Put to the AGM on April 22, 2021 MARKET LEADERS IN OUR THREE BUSINESSES 93 global customers 5 new customer Quality Awards in 2020 94% of sites ISO 9001 certified INNOVATING FOR CLEAN AND CONNECTED MOBILITY 5% of revenue from electric vehicles in 2020 17% by 2025 100 hydrogen projects in the pipeline for 93 clients Custom developments of modules for electric vehicles CARE FOR PEOPLE FR2: 1.4 – down 90% in 10 years 60% of sites run a health campaign 804 interns trained in 2020 CLEAN & MOBILITY INTEGRATED REPORT PLASTIC OMNIUM UNIVERSAL REGISTRATION DOCUMENT 2020 23